Thursday, August 16, 2012
China's Communist Party: A Grassroots Perspective
The Party is a very top-down, protocol driven organization. This meeting was with grassroots workers from the Party, meaning from a sub-district office. At the meeting, they hung up the Communist Party flag on the wall, and before we began, we stood facing the flag as the Chinese national anthem was played. At the closing of the meeting, we stood to the Internationale. The meeting proceeded with strict protocol, leaders sat at the front, one gave introductory remarks, and then the Secretary gave most of the other comments. In general, it was more of a lecture as opposed to discussion. Non-Party members were not allowed to speak.
The Party is struggling with how to stay relevant in today's China. Throughout the entire meeting, the Secretary seemed to be promoting the benefits of being affiliated with the Party, for example, mentioning how they can help introduce us to people and organizations that can collaborate, and how we can be mentioned in the Party's publications. To the company's Party members, the representatives encouraged them to recruit new members, and reminded them that the Party branch regularly organizes talent shows and singles mixers. For reference, out of a company of over 100 mostly young (under 30) employees, only four are Party members. This is a far cry from decades ago, when Party membership was widely sought by young and upwardly mobile Chinese.
At the same time, the Party is remaining true to its principles, to remain as the primary vehicle for personal betterment, and one through which members of society can contribute to their communities. The representatives reminded us that they hold courses and lectures on being better workers, better citizens as well as numerous volunteer opportunities.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Beijing's August Exodus
It is August again, and Beijing, like many large and dynamic urban centers, is experiencing an outflow of many of its foreign yuppie types as they move on to schooling, better opportunities, or whatever the next step in life might be. It can be sad to see so many friends leave, and surprising to find oneself several years in, especially when many of us planned to be here anywhere from a few months to at most a year (August 28th marks four full years for me, not enough to receive "China Expert" status, but longer than many). Instead of writing a nostalgic post decrying friendships lost and a community in constant flux, I am reposting a witty blog entry from nottherebeijing. Enjoy!
Oh No! Everyone's Leaving China!
Ah August, that month of burning discontent, because like it's totally pretty hot out and like the sky is full of icky pollution.
So people are totally leaving in droves.
Leaving is in. If you're not leaving, you're just totally out.
I sorta want to leave, just so I can write a deeply moving, tinged with remorse "I'm Leaving China" blog post. I would be good at it because I've read lots of books about China & I know how to use chopsticks.
Shit. I. Even. Have. A. Weibo. Account. (but I don't use it very much)
Let's be clear (for once).
I understand why everyone is leaving: China kinda sucks.
But everyone has to weigh that suck factor against their needs.
You probably came here with one of these expectations
a) finding yourself
b) finding yourself a girl
c) making a shit ton of money
d) killing time before grad school (see finding yourself)
e) doing something besides working at Home Depot (see: teaching English)
More than likely, you discovered that China totally sucks, but you had a good time because you got drunk, had a lot of awkward cross-cultural sex and rocked with totally cool bands like not there.
But what I'm trying to say is, don't leave now. All the smart ones are getting out, sure, but that's really an opportunity for the rest of us. Hell, I'm glad Custer is leaving because he set the bar too high. I don't want to make documentaries, I just want a wad of cash and a poorly recorded album.
Ditto for Kitto. He made me feel bad about the new bespoke tappas bar I was planning on opening in Harbin.
So with all the heavy hitters except the old dudes that do that Sinica Podcast leaving, now's the time to make your mark.
If you stick around long enough, you might be able to move from teaching, to writing unreadable gibberish in expat mags, to PR / Advertising, to "China Expert Status."
And China expert status is where it's at, yo.